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« Gwen Macy: Chapter Twelve | Main | Happy Thanksgiving! »

November 19, 2006



I'm sorry you've had such a stressful week! Doesn't sound like fun.

When I was in public school, I had problems with people making fun of me, but those people weren't my friends. It would be harder if they were.

Girls like to chase me and try to kiss me... I HATE THAT!!! I'm only turning 10, and dude, I've got LOTS of time before I need that in my life. I can't even ride my bike in peace on my street--because these two girls keep trying to chase me down. It's ridiculous! I just want friends right now.

I hope your foot feels better soon.

My mom says you might be getting a cell phone--and I'm so jealous! My mom won't let me have one!! But, I don't really need one because I talk to everybody I know on SKYPE. But, DUDE, how cool is a cell phone. What kind do you want??


I don't know... But I do know that my mom isn't going to let me get until next year when I'm in MIDDLE SCHOOL. Maybe I'll take one of those camera phones from Cingular. But I'm not really used to cell phones, and I don't know many companies.

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