We're getting a jump on the pre-production film by presenting ...
Sweeney Todd: The Movie
As Directed by Ivan Reitman [I go with my strengths, too - pam]
Sweeney [Played by Bill Murray]: Ugh. This guy is heavy. [Speech punctuated with grunts] From now on, we kill only skinny guys. Blubberbus here is knockin the wind out of me. Whew! I gotta rest.
Mrs. Lovett [Played by Annie Potts]: Look, are you gonna help me drag this thing downstairs, or not? I haven’t got all day.
Toby: [Played by Steve Zahn]: [Walking up the stairs] Hey, I don’t know if you guys wanna hear this, but there’s a dead body? Down in the cellar? An’ I think it’s the beedle? [Looks at the dead body] Okay, no, THAT’S the beedle. [Takes a deep sigh.] Well, if anybody wants me, I’ll just be in the corner, going insane.
Sweeney: [To Toby] Hey. You’re really weird. You’re like, Fellini weird. Do you do drugs?
Toby: Every day, man.
Sweeney: Can I have some?
Lovett: Will somebody PLEASE get the feet?
Sweeney: [Looks down at the body] Can’t we just roll it down the stairs?
[Sweeney and Lovett heave the body into position, and then nudge and kick it until it falls down the stairs. The extended crashing sounds make everybody wince comically.]
Sweeney: Good. [Rubs his hands together] Nap time.
Lovett: Not so fast, Bub. Now there are two bodies downstairs to dispose of. You got any plans?
Sweeney: Plans? Plans? Mrs. Lovett, there are days when I look in the mirror and I say to myself, 'General Napoleon …'
Lovett: Sweeney Todd!
Sweeney: 'Sweeney Todd, you are meant for great things. You –' [Toby silently nudges Sweeney, hands him a lit joint] Thanks, man. 'You can do so much better than Fleet Street. You could become the next Prime Minister. All you need is, the right plan.' And then I usually pitch over onto the floor and sleep it off. Bottom line? – I got no plans. [Tokes]
Lovett: Well, I’m thinking, we could always use fresh meat in the pie shop …
Sweeney: Oh! Uh huh. Yes!
Toby: Sorry, I’m not following.
Sweeney: Me neither.
Lovett: Oy.