Reworking the biggest movie tagline of the year ...
Food Inspector:
Samuel L. Jackson stars as a fair-minded airline quality control agent, who, mid-flight, discovers an evil plot to kill an FBI witness by overdosing him on peanuts, pretzels, mini-chocolate chips and such like. The climax of the film is Jackson's gone-berserk agent yelling "I'm tired of these motherf*cking snacks on this motherf*cking plane!"
Harry Potter and The Flight Of Evil:On board a "muggle broomstick" (ie, a DC-10) Harry, Ron and Hermione and Professor Flynn uncover a plot by a former Hogwarts professor to spread the Dark Lord's cause by use of a sinister replicating potion. This culminates in a scene where a wand-waving Flynn yells "I'm tired of these motherf*cking Snapes on this motherf*cking plane!"
The Blue Collar Comedy Tour Takes To The Sky:
A black paasenger aboard an otherwise all-white flight festuring JeffFoxworthy and Larry the Cable Guy goes nuts and ends up screaming "I'm tired of all these motherf*cking japes on this motherf*cking plane!"
The Ice Cream Contingency:Samuel L Jackson plays a health-food writer trapped abaord a plane of ice-cream executives with a sinister agenda to make America even fatter. This naturally results in a show-stopping moment where SLJ yells "I'm tired of all thse motherf*cking shakes on the motherf*cking plane!"