Sung to the tune of "I Am Woman"
Meesa Gungan, meesa roar
Meesa too big to ignore
Meesa crusha yousa body
With one hand
Jar-Jar Binks, yousa clumsy poo
Meesa banish to Naboo
Meesa puttin’ yousa in exile, understand
Ah! Yes! Yousa back!
Yousa in big-time doodoo, wow
Also yousa friends
Notten welcome here righten now
If meesa have to,
Meesa crushin everyones
Crushin Binks
Crushin Jedis too
Meesa Gungan!
Meesa Gungan, meesa swear
In deesen underwater lair
Meesa hates introoders more den Jar-Jar Biiinks
But yousa outlanders, meesa know,
Have-n a long-o way to go
Meesa offerin yous a bongo, meesa thinks
Ah! Yes! Meesa sees
Yousa lookin much-o sick,
Meesa feelin fine
After yousa Jedi mind-trick
If meesa helpin yous
Yousa take anything –
Take-a ship,
Take-a Jar-Jar too,
Meesa Gungan!
Tag: parodies
Oh, how hilarious! Bravo!
Posted by: The Incurable Insomniac | September 29, 2005 at 10:16 PM