« The Avengers in Green Acres - part 4 | Main | The Prisoner in Mayberry »


Sheri "Biff" Biffle

I love it! I'm alerting my Avengers fanatic friends immediately. You know what's best about this hilarious tale? The fact that you wrote the characters of Steed and Peel so well. Witty banter (a lot to banter about in Hooterville, their typical cool, the way they carry themselves. Perfect. Er, well, just one criticism -- Steed doesn't carry a cane. It's a brolly (umbrella). Thanks so much for alerting me to this fun story.


Thanks, Sheri. It probably wouldn't have gotten finished, if you hadn't said you liked the first installment, months ago. (BTW, I went back and changed "cane" for "umbrella". Rookie move!)


Was told to read this by Sheri. Luckily, I've spent the last six months watching on TVLand the Green Acres eps I'd never seen before, so I understood all the jokes. My by far favorite line for hilarity was when Emma said she sent the pig away but then actually she didn't; second was Steed's line about her attacking him because of his comment on the almondine. VERY funny. All in all a good romp and well written for a parody. The coup de grace was when you had Steed beat a mind-controlled Mrs. Peel and when you had him astutely fake his own mind-control. Anyone who realizes the greatness of Steed is my kind of gal!

Barbara Peterson

It's been a loooooong time since I've seen Green Acres, but this brought it all back to me. And yes, the Steed/Mrs. Peel by play was great. Lots of good humor in this. Well done!

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