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Cal Westray

The "Green Acres" story came back to mind today with lots of grins. Someone on the Avengers group mentioned an interesting scenario.

In "Death's Door", when the doctor said he would go get Boyd some tablets, I'd like to have seen him return with the Ten Commandments. It could work in the episode "Epic".

Then we thought that it would be a good routine for "Police Squad". I hope that you had seen the short run series, before it became the Naked Gun movies with Leslie Nielson. The TV series was better than the movies...

And to have the "Shoe Shine Boy" give Steed and Mrs. Peel their assignments. They would have to deal with Detective Frank Drebbin and company. It would have the same parody feel of Green Acres.

Then, I thought if you were looking for story ideas, this would be a great seed of a story idea.

Or maybe not...

Thanks and best wishes,

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