It's (still barely) Saturday, so you have time to read the wonderful Trouble With Tribbles as Edward Gorey might have conceived it. Be sure to read the old article about Gorey that provided the inspiration. [via Chaos Theory. Oh, Jennifer, I was such a fool! I should have turned to you first! But like an idiot, I tried to find It's Saturday inspiration by scouring Presurfer, Boing Boing and Neatorama. They steal all their links from each other, which is a problem right there. But more than that - how many posts about a giant diagram of a Pentium chip made from post-it notes glued to the side of the Microsoft building by robots in ninja turtle costumes do we need to endure before giving up on those crazy sites?]
In other news, have you seen a medical equipment truck in your neighborhood carrying a wheelchair? Because it's late getting to our house. For all we know, it might be lost in your city. Whenever we call the office, they tell us that the GPS is broken, and they're having to communicate with their truck using carrier pigeons.
"Surely you have cell phones," I murmur. But the voice on the other end gets drowned out by a lot of hooting, and then the line goes dead.
In other other news, it's finally happened. One can find an episode of Hannah Montana on TV 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We as a society have achieved complete Hannah Saturation. More on this important phenomenon later.
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