Lady Gaga's outfits are good enough to eat.
Middle aged women have better memories than men - but not by much, baby. Not by much.
Let's say you're Warner Bros., and you have tons of movie film and television videotape you need to archive. They should be kept someplace completely secure, utterly fireproof, and temperature controlled year-round. Where do you go? The Kansas salt mines, of course.
From the why didn't I think of that? dept.: spiral-eye needles
Good adviceAww! I <3 these
What should I eat? The candy edition
Genius graphic of the week: Why a Big Mac costs more than a salad
And for fans of The Guild, here's Vork starring in an old instructional video for Taco Bell. You know, so many actors are afraid to be upstaged by a burrito these days. But not this guy. He's so dedicated to his craft!
A chef salad has more calories than almost anything else on the menu.
Just saying.
Posted by: your mother | March 19, 2010 at 11:47 AM
Yikes. Just looked up the calories and fat in a chef salad:
Not to mention half your RDA for salt in one sitting. Still: vitamins galore!
Posted by: pam | March 19, 2010 at 11:56 AM
Boy that burrito thing was disgusting. Muchas gracias! I'm going to send it to all my Facebook friends. Maybe they'll have the sense to turn off their computers after seeing that and go meet someone!
Posted by: Hattie | March 20, 2010 at 07:03 PM