It takes all sorts, doesn't it? Even in the world of film review. Here's The Passion of the Christ, reviewed as a legitimate zombie flick. Hmm, I wonder if I could watch it now.
The Passion of the Christ follows the torture and subsequent death and emergence as a zombie of one Jesus H. Christ, a poor, humble carpenter who has acquired a cult-like following of men he calls his “Disciples.” He is captured by the priests of the city Judaea, a fascist theocracy not unlike that of present day America, where he is subjected to torture and embarrassment for claiming to be the Son of God. It is not until the end of the film do we see any trace of a zombie, and it is only for a brief moment before the credits roll.
Shall we say 50-75,000 years in Purgatory working off the onus of this particular blog? (Hint: call the Vatican and see about early Papal dispensations in exchamge for one year's worth of scandal-free Catholicism or see if any local church is offering plenary indulgence these days!).
PS--if Affleck or Damon show up, leave quickly and quietly.
PSS-Anglicans don't count!
Posted by: Anthony | September 01, 2009 at 01:05 PM