Trying to learn the ins and outs of Twitpic this morning. So far I have learned how to take a picture on my camera phone. (Here is Daisy teaching Sam doggie yoga.) I can upload pics to Twitpic and to Twitter, and have them show up. But I can't convince either platform that they should post the tweet I include with each pic. Heckheckheckheckheck. Soliciting advice here.
I use Twitpic via Twhirl -- works like a charm. Type your tweet in Twhirl, hit little camera icon, upload your pic from wherever, and voilĂ !
Posted by: Karen | April 26, 2009 at 11:41 AM
I'm going to try Twhirl. Tweetdeck isn't working for me, despite glowing praise from our purported social media leaders. As for figuring out how to send pictures and text remotely to Twitter, the search continues.
Posted by: pam | April 27, 2009 at 12:27 PM