'Night Before Christmas' for secular progressives
Imagined dialogue between Angelina and Jennifer Lopez. See, here's the thing. I feel two ways about J.Lo. She's not the world's best actress, but heaven knows this hasn't stopped others before her. I'm a big fan of romantic comedies, but let's face it. Sometimes in the romantic comedy genre, real training in the craft is just a handicap. No, I think my problem is that J.Lo's looks and demeanor don't match her on-screen characters, in some indefinable way. But if she starred in a movie where she talked like this the whole way through, I'd go and see it, and I'd probably really love it and recommend it to y'all, just like I am now.
Go out in style! As Twitter's @redwhiteandnews said, "Finally, a way to advertise you're a douche even in the afterlife."
Stormtroopers' day at the beach
After the crisis: a parody of 15 corporate logos
And last but not least, beware of the doghouse - a JC Penney commercial done right - and no, I'm not hinting around!
Hate to be a hata, but "real training in the craft" (ie, acting training) is quite frequently a detriemnt in ANY genre of film-making. It's a very wierd process; one of the reasons that, say, Meryl Streep, is subliminally less effective as a movie actor (and yes, I know this is heresy but a lot of people "in the profession"--ie, people I know/know about have said this as well) than, say, Johnny Depp is that the things JD does well translate so much better into on-camera reality than all the post-Stanislavsky/Yale Drama/Shakespeare in the Park With George "inner-life" preparation someone like MS brings. Translation: someone like J-Lo (or Selma Hayek: a screen natural) doesn't "act" and that works to her benefit. MS is always "acting" and it always shows (to me at least).
Posted by: Anthony | December 12, 2008 at 08:15 AM
The J-Lo thing is pretty funny. And woo-hoo, I think my TiVo has a recording of "Out of Sight" with her and George Clooney. You're right, she's not always a great actress, and has been in some crappy films, but this one redeems her forever in my book.
Posted by: elkit | December 12, 2008 at 11:42 AM