Avast! Come aboard me 'blogsite, me hearties, an' behold me new pirate banner. Jus' fer today, mind ye, on account of how it be INTERNATIONAL TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY.
An' what be yer pirate name, matey? Mine be TAX EVADIN' MARIE READ. 'Tis a name dear to me heart, it is. For 'twas given to me by me mates, when I passed me CPA exams an' became Ship's Accountant. Aye, a proud day fer any pirate. - What? Did I hear yez a-sniggerin', ye scurvy dog? Ye'd best be believin' that no self-respectin' pirate'd be caught dead sailin' the Seven Seas without a ship's accountant. Them pieces o' eight don' count themselves, y'know. And then there's the tax-sheltered annuities t'be managin' fer th' crew ...
I am THE Captain mate! Me name be "Tripod" Ezekiel Straw.
Posted by: bb | September 20, 2008 at 07:38 PM
That was fun so says Cap'n Edward Chumbait
Posted by: Lori | September 21, 2008 at 03:29 PM
Wouldn't it be tragic to board a time-machine, go back to the 17th or 18th century and discover that pirates all talked like, you know, regualr people?
Captain Barbarossa: Mr. Sparrow, is that a treasure ship off to starboard?
Sparrow: Yes, I believe it is, captain.
Captain: Is it worth our efforts to negotiate with them for surrender?
Sparrow: I think, Captain, that running up the flag and sinking them is a better strategy.
Captain: OK, make it so.
Choke on THAT, Gore Verbinski!!
Posted by: Anthony | September 22, 2008 at 02:46 PM