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July 17, 2008



I almost (there's the giveaway) hate to ask, BUT: is there a minature "Disneyland" tucked away inside the CA Adventure, complete with its own very, very tiny "CA Adventure" parked inside the inside? We all know where this is going, so everyone dress accordingly for the Infinite Digression Ride (hint: it's an "E" ticket!).


I would concur: CA is not nearly as interesting (and kind of weirdly themed, at that). "Condor Flats" is one dull-ass "theme area," for example, compared to anything in Disneyland. There's the occasional interesting thing, but mostly I am just "eh."

Last time I went to Disneyland, it was with friends with season passes. We only went into CA around the end of the day (a) for the electrical parade, (b) to uh, not have wasted the "park hopper" pass.


I've never been to CA Adventure as a stand alone gig; you're right, there isn't enough to do.

The ferris wheel, however, is the scariest ride I have ever, ever been. I burst a blood vessel in my eye after screaming through the 2.5 minutes of the ride (maybe it's longer or shorter, who can tell when you're screaming at the top of your lungs!) It's true!


You're kidding! Boy, now I'm sort of glad we skipped it. I love Ferris wheels as a rule. This one had the added element of free-motion cars swiveling on huge oval tracks. I was intrigued, but between the three of us there wasn't enough interest to actually try it out.

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