Pet owners prefer McCain to Obama
WASHINGTON (AP) — If the presidential election goes to the dogs, John McCain is looking like best in show.
An AP-Yahoo! News poll found that pet owners favor McCain over Obama 42 percent to 37 percent, with dog owners particularly in McCain's corner.
"I think a person who owns a pet is a more compassionate person — caring, giving, trustworthy. I like pet owners," said Janet Taylor of Plymouth, Mass.
Taylor, who described herself as a retired stay-at-home wife, owns two cats, Lady Jane Taylor and Mr. Tommy Katz.
Pop Quiz (25 pts.)
When I read that pet owners favor McCain over Obama, my first reaction was:
a) Hmm. Newspaper reporters being laid off everywhere, yet somebody at the AP got paid to write this POS fluff piece. How nice.
b) Frankly, I've heard of worse reasons to favor a presidential candidate. This beats the old "which candidate would you rather barf with in the alley behind a bar" saw.
c) Mr. Tibble Whiskers always chooses who I vote for.
d) Omigod! That is so freaky! I used to own this dog, Gizmo, right? And he loved everybody! He was such a li'l lover! Omigod! But when he met that Dave, that checker from 7-11? Gizmo just growled and tried to bite him and wouldn't let him near me. So, long story short, that's why I drive my grandma's Nissan! .. What was the question again?
The answer is clearly D. People who choose D are exactly the kind of coherent, socially-savvy, think locally/bomb Iran types who will gladly vote for Big John.
And when Mr. Tibble Whiskers get rotated three times to Iraq by 2011, don't come crying to me...
Posted by: Anthony | July 08, 2008 at 10:47 AM
I know I would vote for someone based on the fact they had a pet or not. Right.
Posted by: Lori | July 09, 2008 at 10:10 AM