So, my daughter was bringing us up to date about a girl who was her best friend in fifth grade. "Nossin is in Bangladesh visiting her grandparents this month," says Bunny. "Did you know Bangladesh is just a little island? I thought it was bigger at first, but then I looked it up on Google Earth." The two of them email each other every day. Because there's a 13-hour time difference, they have a running joke. One will claim to be tired and ready for bed, while the other calls BS, says the sun is out and it's time to get out and play.
I'm sorry. Can we stop and rewind a moment? Can we pause and reflect on how wonderfully science fiction-y this is? We are living in a world of interactive maps and vast stores of information available - literally - at the touch of a button. And a world where it's possible to send letters instantly to your friends on the other side of the planet.
Sure, we don't all have flying cars yet, and we don't all dress in silver jumpsuits, but shoot, we're only eight years into the 21st century. There's time for Flash Gordon to show up.