Ready-to-heat potatoes
Originally uploaded by beancounter
Saw these at the grocery store, and I was glad that:
a) I had my trusty digital camera with me, to capture the moment and blog it for you, and
b) I was in a store in Modesto, so when I began to cackle, reach in my purse, take out a camera and snap pictures of RAW POTATOES that are HEAT-SEALED IN PLASTIC, WITH INSTRUCTIONS ON THE FRONT so helpless people can PAY $1 for each one and NUKE THEM IN THE MICROWAVE, chances would be good that nobody would know me by name.
Though somebody in Modesto may at this moment be blogging about a strange woman who was cackling in the produce aisle and taking pictures of potatoes. Keep an eye out, would you?
Modesto: Water, Wealth, Contentment, Health; and now, apparently, truly retarded (sorry, truly challenge-challenged) people incapable of consulting a cookbook.
If only I were there in the store with you so I could sing my Enya Medley ("I'm new age, I'm new age, I'm new age"). Think how entertaining that would be. And believe me when I say that in Modesto that WOULD pass for entertainment! Pam: verify?
Posted by: Anthony | May 15, 2008 at 04:53 AM
I know! And they have sweet potatoes too! I found them at safeway once. So stupid!
Posted by: maya | May 15, 2008 at 03:29 PM
This is wrong, so wrong, on at least three levels.
I am speechless.
*That* won't last long, though. ;)
Posted by: Bakerina | May 16, 2008 at 08:20 AM
I think this is test marketing for a new line of George W. Bush products: Ready-to-Eat Bread. Sqeeeze 'n' Use Toothpaste. E-Z Wipe Toilet Paper. Et cetera.
Posted by: dan | May 18, 2008 at 12:16 PM
Now I've seen everything. That encapsulates everything that is wrong with our consumerist society. I wonder how many idiots heat and eat them *in* the plastic.
Posted by: Kathryn | May 23, 2008 at 01:03 PM