You can really that this Web 2.0 thingie has gained real traction when you find that even God uses the tubes. Here are some of the short updates which He wrote on His Twitter account.
[God] today has created a new forbidden fruit. Don't know yet how call that. 'Apple' was registered by someone else
[W]riting commandments, actually are 120 but looking for create a "portable edition"
[H]ave forgotten to give a sex to angels.. damn me
Enlightenment! The Universe makes so much sense now. [Kthx, Boot]
No, God is clearly a beryllium mid-range unit designed for either TAD Reference Speakers or Focal Speakers.
God used to be an audiophile but that stopped when Lucifer rebelled and was expelled from Heaven. Later, God discovered L had taken all of God's Mobile Fidelity 200 Gram reissues with him and now G just has a new IPhone to listen to Mp3s (all of them: god does have infinite storage capacity) and text-message the cherubim and seraphim.
Posted by: Anthony | May 05, 2008 at 06:02 AM
Not that kind of tweeter, darling. When you post on Twitter, you're tweeting.
Posted by: pam | May 05, 2008 at 06:26 AM
To quote from Original Star Trek:
Garth (insane ex-Federation officer now galactic looney in galactic looney bin he has taken over): Who wants to entertain Captain Kirk?
Marta (hot, green alien chick Kirk will eventually tango with): I do. I have a poem I wrote yesterday. (Gets up and adresses Kirk). 'Shall I compare theee to a summer's day?/Thou art more lovely...'
Garth (interrupting): That was written by an Earth poet named Shakespeare 600 years ago...!
Marta (huffily): That doesn't change the fact that I wrote it yesterday...
I feel exactly the same way about my Mid-Range!
Posted by: Anthony | May 05, 2008 at 12:54 PM
God aside, are you a twitter-er? I just got into it and it's damned addicting (like I need THAT...) Seems that all the folks I've been "following" (stalking) are on the east coast and everything suddenly goes silent about 8:00 PDT.
Posted by: Tonya | May 06, 2008 at 09:59 PM