Life has taken on a routine here at Mom's. In the morning the cat comes into the living room and wakes me up, demanding to be put outside. However, she doesn't always go out the door once I open it. Her going-outside rate is about 50%. Tomorrow she gets a firm foot nudge if she acts so picky again.
Then my bro showers and leaves for work. I make my mother some tea and a Continental breakfast (okay, a breakfast Jan) before I go to the coffee shop and read what's going on in the liberal press.
When I come back, I either clean house, or I sit down to my laptop and attempt to write a section of my thesis. My mother was right; this is a great place to concentrate on writing. The good news on the thesis is, I'm farther along than I was when I quit last summer. Hoping my advisor likes the progress when he deigns agrees to see me later this month.
Later in the day, between meals and such, we've been watching DVDs of the first season of Arrested Development. I skipped it when it was on network TV, so I'm, like, the last to know how great it is.
This morning, I've been sweeping and rearranging the furniture on the backyard patio. Very dusty work. Central Valley dirt is really more like sand. I remember sweeping the porches when I was a kid, noting that the shifting sand seemed to collect on the porch again almost immediately, seemingly overnight. It was obviously futile to push a pound of sand the few feet from porch to yard, only to have it come back again. I wanted to give up this unwinnable battle with the sand and wind. My parents took a dim view of my fatalism, though.
I got an image of a meso-american woman, wrapped in multi-colored serapes, sweeping the desert floor.
How're the liberal press treatin' you these days?
Posted by: Sue | May 21, 2008 at 01:15 PM