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April 18, 2008



Heh. I'm so angsting about turning 30 next week, you have no idea. Teh Issuez this month to the max. It's especially weird since most of my social crowd is a lot younger than that (or older than that), so I either get "OMG YOU'RE SO OLD!" or "Shut up, you kid."

I will probably post a bunch of birthday horoscopes that day, though I have a few pre-posted posts in the queue.


For next year's 39th birthday, can you persuade someone in your immediate genetic rainforest preserve to get you a cotton-candy maker? That would GUARANTEE a visit from me in the foreseeable future!
Also, is "Space 1999" avaialble yet on DVD? Nothing says "retro-future" quite like Martin Landau, Barbara Bain and a shape-shifting alien who can, like, turn in to a bee! Eat your heart out, Oddo!


Forty-five? Where do all you young people come from?

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