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March 03, 2008



i sure wish you'd gone to the first one. because i did. don't thnk i'll be able to afford another, unless grace should suddenly be so generous again: if so, you better!


"When others of its kind are within range, they can interact with each other."

I misread this as meaning "when others are within range" -- like other kids. And I still remember interacting with others when they were within range. It was a warmer, simpler time.


What? Interfacing with other children, without the help of Nintendo? How analog of you, Dan. :-)

I'd be worried for this generation except there seems to be no shortage of analog interface in their lives. Yet.


Thank Goddess,as we say around here, for the Geek Girlhood. You raised your tech chick well, dollin Pammy!

So, should we have a Woolf Camp this Spring?

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