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February 03, 2008



Long before (and after) Brent put on the gold paint and made love (fully functional) to Denise Crosby, he was a well-established stage actor with lots of musicals to his name. So I'm not surprised at all. (I saw him in 1985 in "Sunday in the Park With George" where he played a crabby German servant in Act One and a technician in Act Two!)
Patrick Stewart said that he thought that Brent was the best actor on STNG. And as he's bald and British, he should know!


On some level, GalaxyQuest ruined me for Star Trek forever. Maybe I was ripe for ruination anyway. When you were nattering on about Brent's stage career, I flashed back to Alexander's panic attack. "I was an actor once, dammit ..."


Hey, I SAW Alan Rickman play Valmont in Le Liaisons Dangereuse on Broadway back in 1988. Anyone who has seen the POC film with Glenn "Jutting Bosoms" Close and John "Can I Be More Clueless" Malkovich will never even begin to realize how tremendously good AR is on stage. That's what made that moment really funny: Rickman, like Patrick, has managed to keep his reputation as a first-rate actor wile still making big pop bucks.
And you know what: I don't care how much JKR tried to exonerate him, Snape stood by and watched the DArk Lord do bad things not once but TWICE!


That's what we live for: stream-of-consciousness blog comments.

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