There's been a major setback in the patent-pending Forced to Walk Ten Blocks To Your Office Weight Loss Plan.
It's effin' dark after 5!
By the time I get to my car, I've walked past a park next to a high school, pelted across W Street, which is an unlit three lane road with no traffic light, and stepped into a parking lot right under the freeway that's utterly dark, deserted, and too noisy for my voice to carry, if you know what I mean. Red flag time.
So I'm probably going to speak sternly to Dept. of General Services about their so-called secure parking structure, and then switch to taking the light-rail for the winter.
When I started working downtown again, I thought I'd need my car for emergencies. But light-rail gets me home in 40 minutes, which is the same time as the commute by car. And there's one added benefit which I don't need to explain ...
Either take the light rail or walk with your Uzi.
I have spoken.
Posted by: your mother | November 08, 2007 at 09:47 AM
Or hire Hagrid as your professional escort (I of course mean: the respectable kind). To summon the ghost of The Princess Bride: "you are the Brute Squad!"
HP: Hagrid, why are those dicey muggles running so fast away from you?
H: Dunno, Harry. I bathed this morning and thestrals smell lke lavendar.
Posted by: Anthony | November 08, 2007 at 01:32 PM
The husband has hence forth said to me: "Savvy, its dark at 5pm so please don't walk home without me!" To which I replied: "Husband - I've a mean left hook for anyone who wants a taste!"....but I still won't walk home alone. If you need a partner for walking me!!!
Posted by: savvy | November 08, 2007 at 04:38 PM
I love the light rail idea! I hate the deserted, dark parking lot. Please do not be a danger seeker! I will personally buy your light rail pass!
Posted by: BB | November 08, 2007 at 07:10 PM
do not walk alone after dark. period.
Posted by: e | November 11, 2007 at 03:45 PM