The photo project continues apace, on evenings when I want to settle in and watch TV. As of tonight we are deep into Basket #2 of 3, with no end in sight. One hour of 'Roseanne' barely made a dent in the August 2003 pile. The problem is, half the photos are mismarked as 1999. They have to be written on with the correct date, each individual photo. Because GOD FORBID we have Posterity looking at yet another picture of some kid in a raft, thinking it was 1999 when it was really 2003.
"What th'?" Posterity will mutter, setting aside his jeweler's loupe and his genealogy notebook, "surely these photographs are of Great-Uncle James at age eleven, yet how can that be? The date is off by four years. This changes my entire life's research!"
It makes a big difference. We must set the record straight! For posterity!
But my work is not without its little rewards. Remember last month, when I said we own a photo of Bunnylou, traumatized for life when she met Santa for the first time? Fouuund it ...