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January 24, 2007



Vikings? Vastly over-rated, foul smelling anger-management challenged second-tier badasses.
Now the Spartans...That's authentic Old School tough. These guys were so manly that under Spartan law they were required to return home once a year and have sex with their wives and concubines just to assure the continuing supply of Spartan warriors. Otherwise, they were perfectly content to spend the year being totally Brokeback Mountain with their buddies. AND NOT A SINGLE OTHER GREEK CITY STATE EVER LAUGHED AT THEM BECAUSE OF IT!
That's macho!
So what's your Spartan name?

Dagrun Deercatcher

Thanks Pam. This was great fun. So why I am oddly pleased with their assessment of me as a Viking??


don't they get cold in their fjords, them nekkid vikings?

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