Geez. Re: last post: could things get more maudlin? I got zero comments yesterday. Bloggers clicked away in terror. It was scary.
Let's clear the air with roof sex. [via Keith] (SFW but turn down the speakers a bit)
How to check out of your hotel room like a pretty princess.
Did we think one old coot starring in the next Indiana Jones movie was enough? Well, it wasn't!
"He's frumpy. Plain. Not in good physical shape. It's not a pretty sight.' This begs the question: would the residents of Saratoga, CA be less offended by a nude jogger who looked like, say, this perpetually half-dressed star?
Yeh, at least Berkeley's naked guy wasn't bad looking. (Google him yourself if you care). You may need to take a look at him just to clear the image from the Saratoga article out of your mind.
Posted by: 'mouse | January 26, 2007 at 07:26 AM