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December 06, 2006



I took the test last year and came up as Dancer.

Carefree and fun, you always find reasons to do a happy dance.

Why You're Naughty: That dark stint you had as Santa's private dancer.

Why You're Nice: You're friendly. Very friendly.


Everyone should be required (by law) to read or perform Jeff Goode's UTTERLY FABULOUS play "Eight: The Reindeer Monologues" for the holiday season. Santa is being accused of sexually harassing Vixen (or raping her--the story is deliberately ambiguous) and all of The Eight (Reindeer) get up and tell their story. Some are violently anti-Santa some are very much on his side. It's the PERFECT holiday antidote for too many reruns of "It's A Wonderful Life" and you will all be better people for having read it. I promise you!
PS--Rudolph is not in the play. He's in a mental institution because (it's suggested) he saw Santa having his way with Vixen and it triggered flasbacks to his own sexual abuse at Santa's hands so now he's catatonic. As I said, a wonderful play!

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