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October 27, 2006



Oh that was rude indeed! Think of the children! When Ah-Nold is re-elected (and it looks like Hell really decided to freeze over in CA this time around) such naughtiiness will be punished!


My weekend starts on Thursday nights (sounds like yours does, too). I work a 4-day week. It's considered a full time job but it's four days. Thursday night is divine.


Anthony: Please. Ahnold is constantly apologizing to the press for the stupid/sexual/bigoted/chauvinistic things he pops off all the time.

Next to that, my little blog iss nothink! Nothink!

Rhea: I work at my job on Fridays, but the unmitigated joy at being one day closer to the end of the semester? Starts early!

Your mother

I'm working on a post about a behavioral scientist who has concluded that dogs can (gasp!) feel jealousy. Yes. He has studied human-human-dog triangles to reach this conclusion. He needs to continue his study to include dog-dog-chew toy triangles.

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