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August 31, 2006



Since I count myself as one of the elect who know what phrenology entails, I also, alas, must resist on making what would/could be interpreted as a MOST pornographically-oriented joke at the expense of the prosession.
So let's talk about rubber ducks or alien dogs or Pam's new school work!


Oh, please. Everyone knows what phrenology is.


Good--so you can fill in the joke for yourself and spare me the ever-so-boring Arrest Warrant it might engender...


pornographic phrenology. the mind boggles.


Will SOMEONE ELSE please do us all a favor and fill in the blank. All this cyber coyness (better than cyber coi fish, but not by much) is starting to remind me of my hideous job and the hideous people who inhabit it!


What blank? There is no blank, sweetie. Surely we're just talking about reading the bumps on people's heads.


Still no takers, hmm? Guess this one'll just have to Requiescat in Pace.

RIP Vulgar phrenology joke. We hardly punchlined ya...


Your wit and your nerve are so far above us, sweetie.

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