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August 23, 2006



OMG, I love these!! (noticed you chose the red shirt..). Sent the link to the spouser who will probably be printing a couple off to hang in his office.


I think 'office posters' as a genre are pretty sorry. I dislike anything that has an inspirational saying on it, especially in a cubicle.


To me, motivational posters are a lazy substitute for human interaction. If office management cannot inspire and motivate the staff, there's nothing that a dozen slick photos purchased from Steven Covey, Inc. are gonna do.

But any excuse to have fun with 'Star Trek' is a good excuse ...


If office management cannot inspire and motivate the staff, there's nothing that a dozen slick photos purchased from Steven Covey, Inc. are gonna do.

Sure there is. They'll piss everybody off and drive down morale. That's why we only use the finest in DeMotivators. It means we aren't taking ourselves too seriously. ;)

And if you're a super geek like me, you'll get a kick out of these RPG Motivator Posters. Hello? Hellloooo? *hears the sound of crickets chirping*


I love these cool pics from Star trek, and the added wisdom is belly rumble funny.

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