It's Saturday, so you have plenty of time to ... WARP YOUR REALITY ... with a couple of videos.
First, a very disturbing short film: Bring me the head of Charlie Brown. I believe it was featured on BoingBoing a couple of days ago ... those sick bastids ... this is where the guys from 'South Park' undoubtedly got their first ideas.
And this recommendation from Maya - The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins. All she did was mention I should look it up. She could have prepared me for how face-meltingly awful it was, but she didn't. For this, I shall make her pay. Oh yes. But you, worthy blogfolk! I beg of you, do not undertake this video lightly! This is but a sample of what dark atrocities await!
You have been warned!
I think I said something about it being really silly?
Posted by: maya | August 19, 2006 at 08:53 AM
Not enough. It's SPOCK, for God's sake. Singing. About Bilbo Baggins. And there are teenyboppers. In matchy-matchy sweatshirts. Dancing. With badges that say that Nimoy belongs in the U.N. And you think "silly" was enough of a warning?
Posted by: pam | August 19, 2006 at 11:04 AM