Heavens to You-Know-Who, it was hotter inside than out at the Harry and the Potters concert this afternoon. Also, there were, like, 20 chairs - most taken by grannies rockin' out - leaving the younger crowd to form a mosh pit at the front of the library -
Still, everyone loved H. and the P's, and also loved their new opening band, Draco and the Malfoys! Two guys - Draco Malfoy (Year 18), and Draco Malfoy (Year 15), sing rock tunes they wrote about their inability to kill Dumbledore, their hatred for HP (My Dad is Rich), their contempt for Ron Weasley and his cheap broomstick, and their love for Pansy Parkinson, the only okay-looking girl in Slytherin.
(You think I could talk them into recording my Slytherin anthem?)
All I went for was to buy a t-shirt and to hear my favorite song, Save Ginny. It was great! If they come to a stuffy library near you this summer, go and see them.
I really wanted to go, but my ride bailed and I can't hack this heat in my car with no AC. Maybe next year.
Posted by: maya | July 23, 2006 at 05:57 PM
It is too hot to do anything! I do not know how she did it. I really wanted to go, but simply won't face this kind of heat.
Posted by: bb | July 23, 2006 at 08:27 PM
I no more believe in any band called Harry and The Potters than I believe that Cornelius Fudge was a good Minister of Magic or that Professor Sprout moonlights as a dope farmer in Northern California. Our Erisian Goddess is clearly pulling our ectoplasmic leg extension!
Posted by: Anthony | July 24, 2006 at 08:45 AM
What?! Did you not follow the links I posted? Those are GENUINE MYSPACE LINKS. Nobody lies about themselves on MySpace! Chah!
Posted by: pam | July 24, 2006 at 09:52 AM
The Three Great Lies of Civilization:
1) Of Course I'll Respect You In The Morning
2) The E-Deposit's in the Server
3) Everything You Read On The Internet Is 100% True
There's a Fourth Lie but I can't repeat it with BB or Daisy in the room....
Posted by: Anthony | July 24, 2006 at 10:46 AM