Can't sleep. I drank wine tonight, and also ate ice cream, at a church choir party, and I think high levels of blood sugar right before bedtime make me pop wide awake in the night. Bzzzzz
Still: worth it. A very fun evening. Little by little, I am charming these people with my own unique wit and joie de whatever, to the point where a few of them now know me as Pam, and not just as BB's wife. Yeah, bro. I have a first name all my own. Use it! Ithankyew.
Bunny was the only kid there. Not surprising: I was the youngest female there. Heh. Still, she made friends, surprising me by holding forth in a circle of older ladies on the subjects of china dolls, acting, and collecting purses.
I ate dinner with a couple who collect music. No, really. I mean collect. Alec is excited to have recently acquired a recording of music originally written upon ancient Greek vases. "It sounds like an organ went absolutely mad," he tells me. Um, I'll bet. This unique item may eventually find its way to my house, when Alec loans it to BB. If it does, I'll try and post a sample.
Oh, and sometime during the evening, I may have promised to play in a flute quintet. Don't you hate when that happens?
You play the flute? Do tell!
Posted by: Daisy | June 09, 2006 at 04:24 PM