It's for the Easter games. Yes, I know. It's Saturday, you just downed five or six Peeps with your morning coffee, and now you're looking for something to amuse yourself with before the sugar and caffeine kick in. Admit it!
First, we have Egg Hunt. Your basic maze game. Challenging because it goes so flippin fast and there's a fairly chunky frustration factor working. We haven't gotten past Level 2 yet - we haven't gotten remotely near passing it! And we may give it up soon.
Next -- do you trust me? Yes? You do? Good. Okay. Now.
There's this egg, see. What you do is, you click on this little egg, then you draaag in the opposite direction from where you want it to launch, then you let go. There are levels and ladders and such. But it's the egg that makes this game so. darn. cute. Look at it! It has a hat! Even when it falls off the building, it's cute. Okay, I clearly need to lay off the Peeps here.
[Both games via my favorite kid.]
nuh-unh. straight for the chocolate. we don't mess around here.
Posted by: e | April 15, 2006 at 10:16 PM