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November 10, 2005



I am seriously going to have to get you to stop calling those adult wannabees "fratboys" since it is very very clear that none of them have been to kegger, thrown up repeatedly or painted their faces and bare chests various colors at the last Cal State Sacto/Chico State football game. Being a fratboy is like being a Marine or a Mason or a professional poodle breeder: specific requirements/standards must be met and maintained at all times. Having a theoretical tattoo and being in a theoretical band doth not a fratboy make, ever...
Besides, you yourself said that one of them used the word "antecedent" in a coherent sentence. More damning proof is not even possible.
But on a lighter note, it sounds like it was a nice party. I'm sure you behaved with far more dignity than I ever will, being as my response to the office crowd I work with would likely combine mooning with an AK47 or a Glock 9!


You must be at work today. Don't they celebrate veterans where you live?

I call them frat boys because they come across with that frat boy attitude, which cuts across age and social boundaries. Unfair? Maybe. Rude? Almost certainly. But now that I've administered this unflattering stereotype, it's staying. My blog.


Celebrate veterans? Sweetie, in these here parts they can't even SPELL veteran without calling in a yankee.
Yes, I'm having that kind of day. Hope you aren't...
(Offically, it's state policy here to shift around holidays, so that the day we lose not getting Veteran's Day gets added to our X-Mas vacation, which more people around here prefer cause it gives 'em more time to put on the hoods and get the crosses lit...)


Congrats, I think. Hope you enjoy your new cheese.

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