The Big Picture: DRM Crippled CD: A bizarre tale in 4 parts.
I keep up with the DRM / copyright protections issue mainly through my husband the audiophile. The blog post above is worthy of a few minutes of your time, as it basically explains how an inter-corporation feud is keeping you from full use of the music you buy on CD.
This shuld be on the front page! It's worse than Alice down the rabbit hole.
Posted by: BB | November 01, 2005 at 10:39 AM
there are other more insidious downsides to Sony DRM schemes:
Sony DRM Installs a Rootkit?
Posted by ScuttleMonkey on Monday October 31, @03:04PM
slashdot - from the slice-of-privacy-pie dept.
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An anonymous read writes " guru Mark Russinovich has a detailed investigation of a rootkit from Sony Music. The rootkit introduces several security holes into the system that could be exploited by others, such as hiding any executable file that starts with '$sys$'.
Posted by: scupper | November 01, 2005 at 08:48 PM