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November 01, 2005



That's funny, I'm taking a Research Methods class too! Although I'm guessing they're nothing alike (mine includes no math of any kind).


COme one!!! It's tough to study on the beaches of Kauai....its bad enough I actually had to do homework and then TURN it in. Did I mention there is no free wi-fi on the island? Yeah, that sucked!


Kimberly: So far, I have had no math in my classes. This class is all about quasi-experimental design and survey methods.

Anthony: No, "quasi-experimental design" is NOT a way to describe the urinals in the men's room at the MoMA. I don't care how well-scrubbed they are.

Savvy: The prof was impressed with you for turning in homework from Hawaii!


First of all, I've never been to MoMA so I have no idea what their urinals look like; secondly, I doubt that the plumbing there is as tres chic as the paintings; thirdly, why the hell was I dragged into this in the first place?? I'm just sitting here minding my own business waiting for King Kong and The Pudding Movie to hit the cinemas...


It's called "Parent Tax." Set the rate early and in your favor, like the government. :)

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