Remember I said I "carpet-bombed" one agency with four applications? A second department has set up an interview with me for this morning. On the phone, I warned the schedule flunky that I've already heard I'm not reachable for a promotion, until I start to work there and take their in-house promotional exam. The flunky dutifully noted this, then called me back after telling this to her boss.
"Come in and interview anyway," was the cryptic advice.
I don't know if I am about to start a bidding war over my bad ol' self (heh), or if that's wishful delusional thinking and in reality, I've given away my trump card. No matter how long I work in state service, I think I'll always be naive about personnel matters.
I still believe this agency could accept my current promotional exam score if it really wanted to. So I guess that's primarily why I'm going to this interview.
Meanwhile, the cola yak still has no idea about his impending move. Not that it'll impact him much. A few days in a dark cardboard box, and then it'll be just another monitor in another cube.
Did we learn NOTHING from "Toy Story" (I and II)? The cola yak probably has PLENTY to say about said move. But only after hours when he and the Dilbert (in)action figures belonging to the Alien Secretary start their nightly Mah-Jongh tourny!
Posted by: Anthony | November 07, 2005 at 12:17 PM