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August 12, 2005



So much for Freud's "Civilization and It's Discontents" eh?
Maybe Douglas Addams shouls have written a book called "The Nature and Porpoise of Everything" in which Arthur Dent wakes up in a shower in Dallas, Texas only to discover he's imprisoned in some OTHER writer's reality and he has to get out before he's transported to the Ultimate Hell Last Stop on the Fictional Line: Full House!!
Bob Saget and Arthur Dent! Separated at Death?


Yeah, my family-togetherness threshold appears to have been reached. If we lived here I'd need a unibomber-type shack of my very own up in the abandoned front yard.


Even I, with my relatively with-it grasp of contemporary politics, never quite figured out why Ted K called himself the Unabomber. But UNIbomber sounds like a terrorist with limited ambitions...
I always thought the Unabomber Manifesto would have a made a really great pomo musical by Laurie Anderson or Meredith Monk or even Lou Reed!

Ms. Jane

Sounds heavenly. Was there wine to drink?


Ms. Jane, I could write a sweeping saga about the amount and variety of alcohol consumed this week. And oh, there was wine. Every variety but pinot, ironically (given that we watched "Sideways").

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