Was it Camile Paglia, or was it Dick Van Patten, who said, "My age is such a difficult number to remember, because it changes every year"?
Happy Birthday to Anthony, our favorite correspondent and fellow beancounter!
Happy Birthday to Anthony, our favorite correspondent and fellow beancounter!
Hey! Happy birthday, camper! Today is elsewhere's birthday too!
Posted by: Jo | June 28, 2005 at 07:58 PM
I think it was Anne Coulter, who has two drivers licenses, one of which is two years younger than the other.
You Heard It Here First: I was having dinner with my friend and his friend, a charming Israeli director. In the middle of the dinner she pipes up with this observation (sorry I can't do the accent): "I was watching Tom Cruise on that Oprah program and I think to myself 'he's gay--he's trying too hard to impress us with how in love he is.'"
Even in the sheltered confines of the Israeli theatre community they know The Truth!
Posted by: Anthony | June 29, 2005 at 08:45 AM