What is a happily married couple supposed to do with an evening when the kid is away? Seriously. Remind me. Because it's been years since we were alone this long.
Here's what we did last night: I made a mix CD for Anthony's belated birthday present. [Note to sweetie: Ignore the violas! They're eeeeevil] Then we watched Matrix2, which is rated R (hence the wait until Bunny was out of the house).
I fully needed BB to sit by and explain the plot. Here's why: I have never watched Matrix3. Well, I'm sorry, but it's so complicated! Everybody speaks in riddles. Crucial new characters run in and out, wearing only black or white (why, why?), speaking lines like fortune cookies, and I listen carefully, but then I completely lose the train of thought between amazing CGI fight scenes. Plus it irks me that even an idiot like Neo has been picking up what's going on with the Matrix better than I have. So in order to take a running jump into Matrix3, we decided we'd better revisit #2.
It's nice to have a quiet evening!
Posted by: BB | June 23, 2005 at 01:52 PM
You guys could have at least played Naked Twister.
Posted by: GraceD | June 23, 2005 at 05:16 PM
Why bother? The Wachowski Brothers took lessons from Chris Carter in 2 and 3 by inventing provisional explanations which are replaced by more provisional explanations interrupted by kick-ass fights (whatever else, the car chase in Matrix 2 is an absolute classic and will be the "one-upmanship" model for future action auteurs). Beyond that, any explnation offered will merely be contradicted at a later date by something just as or more confusing. I think the Matrix films are great genre-expanding mindless extrvaganzas and nothing more. Anyone who thinks they have something profound to say should go back and watch Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventures or any decent Laurence Fishburne movie (Deep Cover is a great place to start) and call me back.
Posted by: Anthony | June 24, 2005 at 05:55 AM
I'm not finding matrix to be profound - at least, I certainly wouldn't build a religion around it. (I'm already a Discordian, you know. I'm busy!) But it's a 3-film plot that Keanu is managing to grasp faster than I can. That pisses me off.
Posted by: pam | June 24, 2005 at 06:27 AM
Pam, people have been building a religion around YOU for a few yers now. Why on earth would we settle for a retarded (sorry, developmentally challenged) cosmos created out of smoke and mirrored shoes by the Wachowski Borthers?
Posted by: Anthony | June 24, 2005 at 01:38 PM
I can see that Anthony does not understand the Wonderful World of Wachowski. BAITING YOU I AM, precious. Smith is an uber, self-conscious , discordian program gone wild, like a virus with a mind. The Key-maker is simply a password program with some flare. Tell us what the One evolved into, O movie master, and why he is battling Smith? Are the humans real at all? How did the Oracle know about Neo's nightmares? He was not in the Matrix at the time! Will the earth fall apart without the machines? How does humanity survive with no air? What medium are Zion ships traveling in? If Zion is so far down in the earths core, how can anyone survive the huge pressure gradiant? Do Zions' ships somehow go through the Magma? Confusion is the Key to Everything Wachowski.
Posted by: BB | June 25, 2005 at 12:36 PM