Well, knock me down. This is the second cone collar used in this house in a week. :-)
Daisy tore a dew claw a few days ago, so we took her to the vet yesterday morning to have the nail removed. That must have been harrowing; I'm so glad Bunny and I went to the waiting room for that part. It was bad enough hearing the squeeeks from clear across the clinic.
No, sorry, NOT Edwardian (which is early 20th C and WAY PAST the time for collars such as that).
You mean Elizabethan (and actually pre-Elizabethan but we'll let that slide for charity's sake)!
Or for that matter, didn't the Jetson's dog Astro wear a collar like that as well?
Posted by: Anthony | June 28, 2005 at 12:00 PM
Oh, my bad. Only saw the Edwardian part of the headline. Had birthday today and am not paying attention owing to depression!
Posted by: Anthony | June 28, 2005 at 12:01 PM
Why are your posts always more detailed then mine? No fair!
Posted by: bunny | June 28, 2005 at 01:33 PM
I remember when my cat had one of these, and he was bound & determined to make it out through the pet door. You can probably imagine: Ka-THUNK. Ka-THUNK. Over & over & over & over again. Did he ever figure it out that the cone wouldn't make it through the pet door? KA-THUNK.
Posted by: Tonya | June 28, 2005 at 10:18 PM