Saturday afternoon around 2:00 p.m.
Me: Hmm. Should I study, or put in the new tomato plants?
Bunny: You should STUDY, Mom. You were out all morning, and you just had lunch and now you're hanging around and blogging. You haven't done any real work and you've got a paper to write.
Me: [chastened]
Bunny: You should actually go to your study right now and get to work. And no blog! Now go!
Me: This has nothing to do with the fact you don't want to help me weed the garden, does it?
Bunny: Go!
heh... smart bunny :) Now go study.
Posted by: Wende | May 08, 2005 at 09:09 PM
You need to get her a whip and some jackboots. Now get cracking!
Posted by: Jo | May 09, 2005 at 10:24 AM