The Budgets paper is about 99% done, and I'm happy with it. But econ is crap, crap, crap. My outlines are in desperate need of some structure and a little inspiration. I think I'll call my assigned study partner this morning and beg/plead/cajole an audience with her. We really need to sit down together - thought we could just carry on by e-mail but now I know if I don't see her in person it'll all fall apart on us.
"I'm seeing another woman," I told BB just now. "That's why I've seemed so distant lately." He was pretty casual about it, only requesting a few pics, so that was a lucky break for my home life.
Also, I'll use as much boss good will and vacation time as possible in the next few days so I can write at home. One way or another, it will be all over on Thursday; after that I will return to being a good state worker, timely in my responses, no trouble for anybody in my aquamarine cubicle world. Back to writing the definitive parody of Har/ry Potter #5, sung entirely to the songs of the album Hotel California. How simple life will be again, this time next week.
Am I alone in the "This Is More Than We Need To Know" category of blog exposure? Have the decency to keep your sordid educational liaisons to yourself but DO provide some photos of the EGOG action if you remember!
Posted by: Anthony | May 16, 2005 at 08:05 AM
You are lucky. All my work is in the outline stage. And I'm battling a cold.
Posted by: maya | May 16, 2005 at 08:10 AM
"I'm all for lesbian marriage, as long as they're both hot..."
Posted by: Jo | May 16, 2005 at 06:15 PM