This is Daisy. The black and white item is her favorite squeeka toy. And all that stuffing is what she's pulled out of the squeeka in the last half hour. As you can tell, she's brutal to the toys she loves! Squeekas don't last long in our house.
I ought to restuff it and sew up the hole. Mwheh-heh. We all know tha-a-at's gonna happen this weekend. Besides, she's having such a good time destroying it. It's so boring here otherwise; this is the least I can let her do.
Let's have a contest. Everyone write in with your version of "What is Anthony thinking right now about the puppy pics but no longer feels he can say?" The winner gets a year's supply of Jolt Cola and a map to all the known Econ profs in their area!
Only one contribution per blogger. Void where prohibited by law. Offer may not apply in areas run by Freemasons...
Posted by: Anthony | May 16, 2005 at 05:23 AM
What's with the Jolt Cola this morning? Jolt is so 80's. All the kids drink Red Bull now. Make it a case of Red Bulls and the new Star Wars game and there'll probably be some takers.
Posted by: pam | May 16, 2005 at 06:21 AM
So what? Kids also listen to crap bands like ___________ (fill in the fogey blank as per desire); that doesn't mean they can't be exposed to the True Wonder that is Jolt Cola! I got through early morning classes at Yale because of Jolt Cola and if it's good enough for Yale graduates, it's sure as hell good enough for todays Generic X brats...
Red Bull...Bah...A mere shadow of the real thing. Like comparing Ben Folds to Joe Jackson!
Posted by: Anthony | May 16, 2005 at 08:00 AM
I have a brutal confession to make: I rip all the squeaky little rubber asshole-shaped things out of any toy before giving it to child or pet because the noise drives me completely insane. Yes, I'm evil that way.
Posted by: Snow | May 16, 2005 at 10:04 AM
I'm going to take a cue from Snowball. No squeekas for the new pup.
(Pammy, I love that you use the more onomatopoeic 'squeekAH' rather than the less colorful 'squeekEE')
Posted by: magali | May 16, 2005 at 11:21 PM