In other news, and possibly related to all that squeaking, BB and his employer have finally started settling down and playing nicely. As some of you know, my husband is a special ed teacher, a job that was quite physically demanding. Last September he had knee-replacement surgery. He was released to go back to work as a teacher in March, but less obvious to his district was what teaching position he could fill with his new physician-certified restrictions.
This week he was assigned to one of his preferences: a junior high class at a continuation school. Yeah. I really did call that his 'preference'. BB's one-of-a-kind.
Anyway, this May will find both of us at our respective workstations, studying and/or creating lesson plans like mad. Poor Bunny - I see a lot of Spongebob playdates in her immediate future.
At the risk of sounding un-PC (Parentally Conscious) what the heck is a "playdate" and what happened to "playmates"? Did Hefner patent the word?
Posted by: Anthony | May 09, 2005 at 09:16 AM