I've been suspecting subterfuge; tonight I'm finally convinced I'm right. I got up the nerve to ask two or three students in my Budgets group what grade they got on their midterm papers. They all got the same as me: B. "Wouldn't it be weird," I asked, "if he gave us all B's just so there would be room for improvement when we revised them for the final?" We looked at each other. Then we turned to the rest of the group and made them confess. Yep. All B's. Between this group and my regular study group, I am beginning to think everybody in class got the exact same grade.
If so, this would explain a lot. You guys, you don't know what it was like when I got my paper back. He was so positive in his comments, but suddenly on the last page - wham! B!
"I'm going to confront him," I declared.
Some guy named David forbade it. "NO! If he knows you know, you might ruin the system for all of us."
"I'll tell him that I know after the grades are posted."
"NO! Then you'll ruin it for future students!"
Peer pressure still works at my age. Damn.
So what'll happen for the final paper? Will grades be as arbitrary? Will he even read them? He'll probably just draw a target in chalk out in the courtyard, then stand three stories above, at the railing, with all our papers in hand. Toss 'em, and whichever ones land in the target get A's!
Update: I met a guy who got higher than a B. Whew - no scam going on after all. We're just lame. :-)
God, I hope not. I'm pouring my heart and soul into the final paper.
Posted by: maya | May 12, 2005 at 08:39 AM
Whoo! That would be Layyyy-ZEE! The Code of College Teachers, Former and Current, would force me to take action, were it to be confirmed. He must suffer through all the papers! He must belabor each grade and consider its ramifications!
Posted by: Jo | May 12, 2005 at 09:05 AM
Heh... this is far more common than you think. At least he is an optimist and thinks you can improve. I've met my fair share of Professors who survey the class and say, "Hmm, you look like a B+ student to me."
Posted by: Wende | May 12, 2005 at 04:35 PM
Oh for God's sake, just go slash his tires. That's what UNDERGRADS would do. Grad school weenies--no bloody patience with them whatsoever...
Posted by: Anthony | May 13, 2005 at 05:22 AM