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January 29, 2005



I've followed the whole "da Vinci Code" thing with second-hand, fascinated incredulity. There's NOTHING in the novel (as far as I can tell) that you won't find in Wilson/Shea's "The Illuminati Chronicles," Wilson's "The Historical Chronicles of the Illuminati" or Eco's "Focault's Pendulum" any of which are better reads than Dan Brown's minim opus. But then, there are people (such as my sister) who used to insist that the main theme of the "1812 Overture" was the Puff Wheat cereal commercial "it's the cereal that's shot from guns."! We will pass over in silence the Lone Ranger and the "William Tell Overture" or the "Pachebel Canon". I'm thoroughly surprised that a certain mexican fast food chain never co-opted Pachebel, the ramifications of which I leave to the morbid imaginations of the individual blogger....

byron bee

If you think that the Davinci code is the biggest work of fiction ever conceived, youd be on the mark. For those Christians who have been deceived and now have doubts, do more research than Dan Brown,as Dan Brown loves nothing more to mix the element of truth with that of fiction. But hey, we all got to get out of the house more often ! eh !

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