Well, I hope we've all enjoyed this little blogging interlude of quizzes, parodies, and film reviews. Because it's over, kids! Buh-bye, see you next June!
First Budgets class session was tonight. It was great seeing friendly faces again. A lots of 'em: there were 32 of us crammed into a leeetle room with no air circulation. The prof extended a hearty welcome, but implied that if some of us chose to transfer to a less populated course this spring, he would somehow mend his broken heart and go on.
The prof is a pip. And I already like the books he assigned this year, so I have good feelings about the class.
Next week we will begin to learn the budget process. It seems that actual clients, such as heads of small nonprofit orgs, will come to class to "hire" groups of us. Throughout the semester, we'll learn to draw up proposals, and by the end of May, we'll have generated budget portfolios for the clients. Let that be a lesson to you: if your teeny nonprofit ever needs a BCP drawn up for free, go to the nearest grad school and let a public policy class use you as a course project.
Tomorrow -- Econ II: The Perils of Cost-Benefit Analysis! Aaaaaaaah!
You are a maniac!
Posted by: Jo | January 27, 2005 at 07:14 AM
I was going to use the "nose to the grindstone" title, but you beat me to it. No matter, I got to trot out the cliched Jim Croce song title.
This semester is going to attempt to kill me, but I plan to stand and fight.
I like how you prefer to our prof as a "pip." Excellent word choice.
Posted by: maya | January 27, 2005 at 08:04 AM
Real Cost-Benefit Analysis:
1) I love to blog but it costs me time and effort.
2) I need to pass my classes--BUT
3) I tend to become really unbearable if I don't blog to relieve the stress.
4) If I don't blog at least once every two days DESPITE my class load I will become unstable and then...
5) My SO will leave me for a Subgenius floozie he meets on the internet AND
6) My daughter will join a pre-teen cult who make random sacrifices to Hillary Duff and one of the McCulkin siblings. AND
7) My favorite long-term cyber contributor will post completely bogus posts about topics (such as Cost-Benefit Economics) that he understands no better than Courtney Love understands the term "all things in moderation..." SO
8) I'll keep posting until the dog needs to be let out!
Posted by: Anthony | January 28, 2005 at 06:44 AM