The Royal Tenenbaums: BB and I liked it quite a lot. As a comedy, it was a quirky psychological puzzle, not the funny ha-ha comedy I was expecting from the trailers.
I just realized that the key to most movies is that you are made to empathize with the characters, in such a way that you can guess or look forward to whatever it's going to take to make them happy (or at least complete). But in this movie, it's not immediately obvious what it's going to take to make the adult kids less dysfunctional. They're so blank and gloomy and impossible to fathom. But as the movie moves forward you pick up all the clues to their personalities or something, and then you start rooting for them to find a sense of balance. In the meantime, you cruise along for an hour or so, buoyed by the surreal style of the thing.
I recommend it, if you haven't seen it, which you probably have because it came out like three years ago! I told you, I'm way behind.
The Royal Tennenbaums is my favorite Wes Anderson movie. The characters are so interesting.
Posted by: maya | January 22, 2005 at 08:55 AM
Owen... owen... owen...
Posted by: Jo | January 22, 2005 at 10:01 AM
I love it when Gene Hackman asks Danny Glover if he considers him an asshole, and Glover answers "No a bit of a son of a bitch perhaps" and then Hackman says how much that means to him.
I love that movie.
Posted by: Lisa | January 22, 2005 at 09:45 PM
I loved the part where Gwynneth and Owen meet, and though they're staring totally deadpan at each other, Gwynneth demands to know what's so funny.
Posted by: pam | January 23, 2005 at 08:59 AM