"Gone to the Dogs", a UK film by Tony Booth, has its own interactive website. Whimsical music, and a clever quiz (click "Games" on the sidebar) that will tell you what kind of dog you are.
Here, inexplicably, was my match:
Say, she looks happier with a whippet in her arms!
[Via Savvy - what kind of dog are you?]
You know that Tony Booth is the father of Cherie Blair, née Booth, wife of the British prime minister?
No, I couldn't give a damn either ;-0)
Posted by: Daisy | January 14, 2005 at 06:05 PM
You know, I wondered who he was. But not enough to google him, LOL.
Posted by: pam | January 14, 2005 at 06:37 PM
ugh, I was a LAB.
Posted by: Mindy | January 18, 2005 at 04:07 AM
A Swedish Vallhund !!!
Guess THAT explains why my dreams are filled with ghostly images of fleeing ungulates driven across snow spotted pastures.
( And why my feet twitch when I sleep ;)
Posted by: Yalana | March 30, 2005 at 08:15 AM